Why Lutheran?

Luther saw some very central, true and important points in the Bible.

The theologian and reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) was crucial in all Christendom in Denmark, but as the name of Danish Lutheran Mission clearly states, the DLM would like to emphasize this connection.

This is because the founders and members of DLM think, that by the Holy Spirit Luther saw some very central, true and important points as regards the Christian message in the Bible.

This applies to:

  • The free grace: That salvation and eternal life is a free gift from God, which we receive by faith in Jesus
  • The general priesthood: That all Christians are "priests" to God. It means, among other things, that no theologian or priest collar and dress must be between the church and God himself
  • The spread of the Christian message to everybody: Luther did a tremendous job of making the Bible and the Christian message accessible to the people. It is also part of LM's understanding of mission work that the message must be communicated on the terms of the recipient, whether in Tanzania or in Tarm.
  • Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone and Jesus alone as the Saviour of humankind. Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone the glory)

Therefore, LM's core values emerged from Luther's insights:

  • Free gospel
  • Trustworthy Bible
  • Clear Mission
  • Spiritual gifts at work