About Danish Lutheran Mission

LM (Luthersk Mission) was founded in 1868 on the island of Bornholm

The founders of the organisation had a vision: To proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in order for people to believe in him and have eternal life.

LM is an evangelical and Lutheran organisation. This means that the foundation of LM is the Holy Bible and the Lutheran confessions. LM wants to be faithful to the Bible.

A focal part of LM's work is to help people to live authentically believing in Jesus Christ. This is mission - and comprises publishing of books, websites, personal conversations, health care and much more.

LM has about 45 missionaries in four countries: Tanzania and Ethiopia in Africa, Peru in South America and Cambodia in Asia. Among other things the missionaries are engaged in evangelism, teaching, health care, administration, local church work and development projects. (For photos and information about the countries see »LM Internationalt«.) 
In addition about 10 (mostly young) people work as volunteers teaching children of missionaries, working in the churches with charity and among young people and selling books.

In Denmark LM has meetings and services in more than 100 towns all over the country. The meetings or services take place in mission houses, community halls, schools or private homes. (You can find the activities closest to you under »LM i Danmark/Lokale aktiviteter«).
Besides this there are ministries for children, youth, elderly people, refugees, music activities, camps, a publisher's house, magazines and much more.
Most activities are carried out by the members of LM in their spare time. The leaders of the local congregations have an ordinary job at the same time. It is considered very important that everyone uses his or her special spiritual equipment given by God.

LM has an annual budget of almost 23 million DKK. The major part of this amount is raised as voluntary contributions.

Anne Agerbo
I  et hyggeligt parcelhus midt i den sønderjyske by Toftlund mødes nyt og gammelt. Husets ydre viser, at dets ejer, 83-årige Anne Agerbo, fi…